Monday, January 4, 2010

The few against the masses.

I was reflecting on the new program on truTV, "Conspiracy Theory". These things I have heard about before, but never on television. I am glad that some people who may not be aware of things, are now given a window to research for themselves.

I decided to google today. I came up with a long read. Some readers of this blog may want to read as well and might become more enlightened to just a piece of this conspiracy. You will at least recognize some of the names and see that many people who are given credibility in our media are players in this conspiracy to control us.

It is interesting that this all ties into both of my previous blogs related to the banks and the media's role in molding our opinions. See what you think. You can read the information here, I hope you find it enlightening.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

They hope Obama fails

We all heard about Rush's statement, " I hope he fails." This is just one of the many hateful things coming out of his mouth. I sometimes wonder where Rush Limbaugh came from in the first place. Is he a well educated person? It doesn't seem like it to me.

Then there is his clone, Glenn Beck. Where was he educated? And don't forget Ann Coulter, she is a female clone. They all have the same things in common. They "hate" anyone who is not a white Republican. I am sure you have all heard them talking derogatory terms about liberals, leftists, etc. Who found these people and why do they pay them? Because they help with an agenda. To maintain control of the wealth in America. How much is Rupert Murdoch worth?

Who likes listening to Rush, Beck, Coulter, O'Reilly and all those other right wing talking heads?
They are people who enjoy dissing people who are different than themselves and so these hateful people have a following. Those followers also hope Obama fails. The question is, how will they get him to fail?

We are seeing their plan in action every day. They stop healthcare reform through their media attacks which confuse Americans. All they have to do is make stuff up about the public option, communism, death panels and language like that. Americans are afraid right now because the economy has crushed the American Dream for so many. Jobs have been lost and people fear what might happen next. So those responsible for what is going bad in America, are now acting as if they are the good guys, out to save us from things that would make it worse?

Hello.......are you paying attention? Do not believe the people who tricked us into this in the first place. Everything didn't go wrong in the last year. They want him to fail so they can continue to hold on to their/our money! Things will not get better if Obama fails! Things that Obama wants to do are being held up, thats why things are not changing fast enough. Do you want America/Obama to fail? Really.

Boycott the Banks

I decided to write this blog in response to the continued attack on average Americans by the banking industry. After all, didn't we just bail them out of their financial problems? These same banks used criminal practices to rip off their customers with impunity. They were then rewarded for this behavior with taxpayer dollars. It seems to me, and I am confident many others, that these banks owe us taxpayers a little respect!

So why am I writing today? Well, instead of being grateful for our rescue of their failed industry, or would have been collapse, the banks are literally attacking the customers. They are withholding much needed loans, raising interest rates, charging excessive fees, and doing these things in a way that seems like punishment for upcoming consumer protections that our new administration is planning to implement.

Banks caused much of the current economic problems we face, if not all. We are all struggling to survive and now the banks are costing us more of our incomes by raising fees and rates. I would love to boycott my bank. The problem I face now is how do I go about it? The banks have guaranteed that in order to do business, we need a debit card, credit card or loan. I cannot reserve a room online, or shop online for that matter without a card. Without checks, I can't send in payments for my bills, unless I purchase money orders, which is certainly possible. So, what are the

I believe that the banks need to somehow see the power of the decent of its customer base. Where else will they get their money? We should not be slaves to the bankers and our hard earned paychecks should not be spent month after month on minimum payments that cover only interest. Are we working for the banks America? I find myself having no problem answering that question every time I do my online banking.